

Free Introductory Chat

Please feel free to get in contact for a no cost and no obligation conversation. 

I can explain how I work and we can discuss your thoughts about working together. If we're not a good fit I may be able to recommend someone who can help. If coaching isn't the right way forward I may be able to recommend alternative steps to take. 

Contact me by email: info@paulccoaching.co.uk

Or text / WhatsApp: 07964723223

1 - 2- 1 Development Coaching

Development coaching can be used to explore and address a wide range of matters. A private and safe space where you can speak without judgment, allowing us to find the obstacles blocking your progress and the resources you hold, or can develop, to move forward. You can expect to be challenged and encouraged.

People bring a wide range of topics to coaching For example, a 1-2-1 approach can help with

1-2-1 coaching can be delivered as a single session. This would be fast paced and focused on the creation of an action plan. A more traditional (and effective) approach is to agree a set number of sessions, preferably on a weekly basis, where we can delve more deeply. Additional sessions can be arranged after an initial set has been agreed.

Single session: 60 - 75  minutes: £140

4 sessions: approx' 60 mins each: £125 per session

6 sessions: approx' 60 mins each: £100 per session

Leadership Development

When a colleague gains a new management role there can be a steep learning curve ahead. Learning "on the job" tends to be required and this can present challenges when the support available is solely from peers or senior colleagues. Coaching can offer a space in which doubts, confusions, and maybe even the occasional rant can be aired in a way that is safe for the coachee and the host organisation. I can offer a speciality in working with neurodiversity if this is needed.

I specialise in supporting new and emergent leaders in the third and the public sectors. Drawing on decades of experience in these settings, nurturing and developing staff and volunteers as part of many roles I have held. 

Weekly or fortnightly meetings are used to explore the role, associated responsibilities, the dynamics at play with colleagues and other stakeholders, and balancing the need to deliver with the need to create firm foundations. Parameters for the coaching are set with the hosting organisation, with a reporting agreement created as required.

Please feel free to get in touch to discuss.

Contact me


Or text / WhatsApp: 07964723223